Saturday, November 2, 2013

Use Your Mind to Drive a Car

Use your Mind to Drive a Car

Alejo Bernal, a graduate of Design Academy Eindhoven, has recently developed a toy car that can be driven forward with thought, using NeuroSky EEG Headset. Aside from using this gadget for recreational purposes, individuals diagnosed with attention deficit disorders can also benefit from this technology. According to Bernal, "As you try to focus, the increased light intensity of the vehicle indicates the level of attention you have reached. Once the maximum level is achieved and retained for seven seconds, the vehicle starts moving forward. This project has helped users to develop deeper, longer concentration by exercising the brain. IT is possible for people to train or treat their minds through their own efforts and not necessarily using strong medicines, such as ritalin." This is a monumental advancement in EEG technology, which has been used in the past to control drones, exoskeletons, and even other human beings.

The mind controlled car is only in its prototype phase and not expected to hit markets anytime in the near future. However, the advancement of this technology is fascinating and can potentially lead to very effective treatments for patients and may even change the ways cars are driven some day! I am curious to see how the EEG sensors continue to advance and determine how strong the mind truly is.

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