Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mobile Device Delivers Rapid AIDS Test Results in an Hour

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A nanotechnology firm by the name of Nanobioysm created a mobile device that can accurately test for AIDS/HIV in under an hour. The Gene-Radar is an iPad sized device that works by taking a drop of saliva, blood, or other bodily fluid and placing it on a nanochip that is put into the device. This new technology has the potentially revolutionize medicine by tracking disease outbreaks and helping contain them in remote places of the Earth. In places like Rwanda where there is an AIDS epidemic, they have tests that are fact but not accurate and others that are high in accuracy but take 6 moths to yield results. Even in the US, the "gold standard" tests take at least 2 weeks to get results and can cost $200. The Gene-Radar cuts the cost of these tests almost 50 to 100 times cheaper.

The new technology not only helps cut costs and turnaround time for the results, but it helps with the containment of the disease as well. The results get stored in a cloud so the data can be monitored and analyzed. The CEO of Nanobioysm states that there are 4 billion people on earth without access to healthcare and technology can change that. Instead of reactive care in hospitals and physician offices, this new device can help with preventative care. They are already working on new models that are smaller in size and possibly ingestible in the future.  

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