Sunday, November 10, 2013

Twitter IPO

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Twitter, the online social networking and micro blogging service, had an initial public offering (IPO) on November 7, 2013. The company launched in 2006 and generates around $140 million in revenue per year and boasts around 200 million users worldwide. Prior to the IPO, private venture capital investors valued the company at more than $1.2 billion. Only a dozen private companies are valued over $1 billion and many of them have already had informal talks with bankers in regards to going public. Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan led the Twitter IPO and raised nearly $2 billion. A major concern around this IPO, is the lack of profits that Twitter has generated, but the current share price of $41 proves that it is no obstacle. The success of this IPO, paves the way for other private tech companies to rationalize their valuations, such as the company Square and Airbnb, which are exploring the possibility of going public in the near future.

Other companies such as Dropbox, Pinterest and Snapchat have raised valuations in the billions in a short period of time. Venture Capital investors are recognizing that social media services have huge potential to turn their mass users into reliable sources of revenue, even before posting a profit. When a company such as Twitter, is able to touch that many people, there is always a way to make money out of it. Every company is beginning to implement marketing strategies around facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, as they are becoming crucial elements in the success of these organizations. A Google ventures partner claimed that this Twitter IPO shows there is a strong demand for consumer web and tech companies which have not yet fully developed their business fundamentals.

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