Saturday, November 23, 2013

Where Teens are Going Instead of Facebook

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Teenagers are the biggest influencers of modern day communication trends, which make them an extremely important demographic for social media sites to target. Chief Financial Officer of Facebook, David Ebersman recently started seeing a downward trend of daily users on the site, especially among teenagers. In a survey of teenagers in 30 countries, they found that the number of teenagers claiming to be active on Facebook dropped from 76% in the first quarter to 56% in the third quarter of 2013. Instead, it looks like the young teenagers are more active on mobile chat services such as WeChat, which has grown 1,021% between the first and second quarters of this year and photo sharing apps such as Instagram. It looks like there is a clear shift to mobile in general, and companies should be adapting to that.

Have teenagers always been the trailblazers and biggest influencers of communication and media? If so, how can existing social network sites adapt to the changing trend of communication and keep the teenagers plugged in? Just because there is a decline in activities from teenagers, does that mean that Facebook is in true danger, despite the other demographics that are still active on the site?

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