Sunday, October 13, 2013

Your Face May Appear in a Google Ad Soon

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Google is following Facebook's footsteps in using its users for advertisement purposes without compensating them. The company announced that users' names, profile pictures, and endorsements may appear on
reviews, advertisements and other commercial contexts under a new terms of service. According to Google, "shared endorsements" help people "save time" and improve results. Recommendations from people that users already know is relevant and useful. Users may now think twice before they press the +1 button on endorsements of products and services. Otherwise, their face may appear on others' Google + accounts. The organization does give users the ability to opt out of the program and is targeting adults over 18. However, how many people will actually be aware of this and make the change to their settings?  

Based on the comments of the article, it seems as though the public has mixed feelings about this recent news. While some people simply do not care that their faces will appear on future advertisements, others are disgruntled that they are not being compensated by Google. Of course, there are those strongly feel that this is an infringement of privacy. What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you feel taken advantage of?

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